每週一次的作文作業仍持續中, 課程也快結束,
老師問我的時候, 我毫不猶豫的提起師父.
在我的小小世界中, 師父是我遇過的人中, 最令我感佩的.
我想, 我沒有偶像情結, 接觸法鼓山前, 沒聽過法鼓山也不認識師父!
雖然法鼓山和師父很有名, 可是我就算聽過也不會有印象,
對一個大悲心不足的人而言, 和自己不相關的事, 不太可能會放心上.
所以說不定那些追尋名師的人, 悲心可能多我很多,
至於什麼是明師, 我就更不清楚了!
每個成長階段為我指引明路, 幫助我學習的, 應該都是明師吧!
寫作文的時間有限, 內容不是很充實, 文法可能不完全正確,
卻是我對師父的感念, 放上來和人分享, 分享佛法的好.
In my heart, Master Sheng Yen is the most successful person in the world. He brings a peaceful message for people, saving many people's spirits and their lives. If accepting his instruction, you will find the way to happiness.
Before meeting Buddhism, I had bad temper, lack of patience, short of confidence and usually unhappy. Since I know Master Sheng Yen, Master uses modern languages to interpret Buddhism, making Buddhism easy for modern people to understand; therefore, more and more people, including me , get great benefit from Buddhism. I see my changes; most importantly, I feel more peaceful and happier than before. Thus, I get more capacity to helping others.
Buddhism instructs people that wealth is in our heart. Master Sheng Yen teaches people how to open our wealth mountains of hearts through the way to loving kindness, compassion, altruistic joy and unselfish giving. If everybody opens his/her wealth mountain, the world will have no calamities. So wise is Master Sheng Yen that he is the most successful person I have seen.